Welcome to the project "Mark Twain's scrapbooking yearbook" and the scrapbooking world. It is great you decided to take part in it!! Hope you find it interesting and awesome.
Here you can find some brief information on how your work will be organized. The whole process will be splitted into nine sections, each of them will be dedicated to one topic. Here is the list of all the topics we will be dealing with:
1. Introducing ourselves.
2. Our school
3. Our hometown
4. Our country
5. A school trip
6. School event number 1
7. School event number 2
8. Mark Twain's novels
9. How we worked on the project
In order to make the project worth doing and interesting, you'll do different tasks which will help you to increase your artistic, writing, ITC skills, knowledge of the American literature and get to know peers from other countries.
Every two weeks you will find a detailed description of a task to do uploaded to the Twinspace of the project.
You will learn more details about how to do an scrapbook by watching the following youtube videos:
We all hope to have a great time until the end of this project and learn more from Mark Twain's scrapbooks and novels.
The following countries and schools are taking part in this project: